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Sub-Cu 甘氨酸 Neck Treatment

Sub-Cu 甘氨酸 Neck Treatment

Sub-Cu 甘氨酸 is formulated with the amino acid 甘氨酸, a major building block of collagen and elastin to maintain the strength and flexibility of the skin. 甘氨酸 greatly aids in the body’s ability to repair damaged skin and tissue, and this product helps improve the appearance of thin, 松弛的皮肤, while restoring youthful firmness and elasticity to the delicate neck area.


Almost 40% of collagen and elastin contains GLYCINE, a non-essential amino acid which keeps the skin and connective tissue firm and flexible. This is called a glucogenic amino acid, which means it supplies glucose for energy. Without glycine, the body would not be able to repair damaged cells. Sub-Cu 甘氨酸 improves firmness in the neck, 下巴, and jaw line areas, increases skin elasticity, adds deep hydration, and reduces skin sagginess while smoothing fine lines over this delicate area of the body.

甘氨酸—This non-essential amino acid is a major building block of collagen and elastin, and skin proteins that maintain strength and flexibility. 甘氨酸 greatly aids in the body’s ability to repair damaged skin and tissue.

Carnosine—Carnosine helps to protect muscle cells, including the small muscles around the face that are so important for maintaining smooth, 紧绷的皮肤.

Arginine—This amino acid stimulates NO, or Endothelium Relaxing Factor, which acts as a molecular signal throughout the body. Increased NO is associated with lower fat deposition in the neck and 下巴 area. Vasodilation is also increased, giving a healthy glow to the neck area.

N-Acetyl 左卡尼汀 HCL—An important amino acid for stabilizing cell membrane lipids, it also promotes the activity of Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), an enzyme that breaks down free radicals, reducing the damage from exposure to UV radiation and chemicals. Like arginine, it also functions as a vasodilator, improving blood flow to the skin’s surface.


甘氨酸 is a non-essential amino acid which is a major building block of collagen and elastin, the skin proteins that maintain strength and flexibility. 甘氨酸 greatly aids in the body’s ability to repair damaged skin and tissue.which keeps the skin and connective tissue firm and flexible. It is called a glucogenic amino acid, which means it supplies glucose for energy. Without glycine, the body would not be able to repair damaged cells.
L-carnitine is an amino acid produced naturally in the body. It helps to greatly reduce sebum/oil production. It also plays an important role in skin and fat metabolism. L-carnitine helps transform the bodies fat into energy.
Glycolic acid is the smallest alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), derived from sugar cane. Its small size allows it to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. Glycolic acid is an effective exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and loosen buildup of oils and debris which lead to breakouts. Glycolic acid helps to separate skin cells in the outer layers of skin without rough, mechanical exfoliation techniques. This speeds up cell turnover and bring fresher, younger cells to the surface. It has effective skin-renewing properties, reduces inflammation, evens skin tone, and gives the skin a soft, 柔软的感觉
A derivative of the amino acid lysine, tranexamic acid helps brighten and even skin tone, reducing dark or discolored skin.


Use on a daily basis, apply liberally to the neck and decolletage area. Massage into skin to help restore firmness and elasticity.
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