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Profile K (维生素K)

Profile K (维生素K)

Profile-K uses 维生素K, which is essential for proper blood circulation and healthier skin. It can help reduce the appearance of 酒渣鼻 and spider veins by connecting with receptors on microvessels, and reduces dark circles under the eyes by carrying pigment away from the skin.


维生素K has proven to be intimately connected with circulatory health and medicine. 维生素K serves to strengthen the connective tissues in vein and capillary walls. 和, like so many important skin care ingredients, it is also an antioxidant, protecting skin from pollution and sunlight damage. We utilize its benefits to help combat skin conditions such as 酒渣鼻, 蜘蛛静脉, 和黑眼圈


By strengthening vein and capillary walls, vitamin K helps reduce and prevent minor leakage that can lead to the flushed appearance common with 酒渣鼻. It also helps clear away blood trapped within skin tissues, further reducing 发红 and evening skin tone.


A very common condition, especially as we age, spider veins are the result of weak vein walls. By strengthening these, vitamin K reduces the appearance of spider veins in areas that are prone to them, like on the cheeks and especially around the nose.


Dark circles under the eyes plague millions of people. But with its ability to flush out leaked blood and carry pigment out of the skin, vitamin K has been shown to be an effective treatment f或者黑眼圈, and even for bruises. 并通过, 再一次, strengthening the walls of veins and capillaries, it can not only improve the appearance of dark circles, but reduce their occurrence and intensity.


维生素K is an important fat-soluble vitamin which is vital to many functions throughout our bodies. It is found predominantly in leafy green vegetables. As it relates to the skin, it serves to strengthen the connective tissues in vein and capillary walls. 和, like so many important skin care ingredients, it is also an antioxidant, protecting skin from pollution and sunlight damage. We utilize its benefits to help combat skin conditions such as 酒渣鼻, 蜘蛛静脉, 和黑眼圈.
维生素E is a fat-soluble vitamin found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. It has properties that overall supports the skin's immune system, reduce inflammation, and also protects against UV rays. 维生素E lives in cell membranes, so it serves to strengthen the skin barrier and retain moisture in the skin.
Green Tea is made from the Camellia sinensis leaves, but they have not undergone the withering and oxidative process used to make other teas. This allows it to retain its nutrients and powerful anti-oxidant properties. It can help to improve blemishes, reduce oily skin, and make your skin look younger. It contains polyphenols, 类黄酮, and other key nutrients which help protect the skin and retain moisture.
The Eucalyptus species of plants is most often found in Australia. Eucalyptous oil is an essential oil that is high in 类黄酮 and other anti-oxidants to protect the skin and reduce signs of aging. It also has high levels of ceramides, which are fatty acids normally found in skin which help retain moisture. It also thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and anti-microbial properties as well which could help against inflammatory conditions like eczema or psoriasis.
维生素C works as an antioxidant, and helps increase collagen production and combats the effects of free-radicals in the skin that result from UV exposure, 污染物, 和衰老. It can slow the aging process of skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles


Can be used on a daily basis. Apply to target areas to improve skin tone and also to areas with concerning spider veins, 发红, 酒渣鼻, 或者黑眼圈
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