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Blue Tea 3D Moisturizer

Blue Tea 3D Moisturizer

Blue Tea 3d Moisturizer, uses butterfly pea flower tea which is a herbal tea made from the flowers of the Clitoria ternatea plant. Blue butterfly pea is rich in polyphenols 和 flavonoids which reduce the effects of free radicals that damage 和 degrade skin, 和 also can reduce inflammation in the skin. With botanicals like Butterfly Pea, Bearberry Extract, 和 Daisy Flower, this hydrating cream also can help even 和 brighten skin tones


Blue Tea 3d Moisturizer, uses butterfly pea flower tea which is a herbal tea made from the flowers of the Clitoria ternatea plant. It is known for its vibrant blue color 和 numerous health benefits for the skin. Some of the benefits of blue tea for the skin include:

 1. Antioxidant Properties: Blue tea is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which help protect the skin from free radical damage 和 premature aging. 
 2. Anti-inflammatory Effects: The anti-inflammatory properties of blue tea can help reduce redness, 肿胀, 和 irritation on the skin. 
 3. Skin Brightening: Blue tea has natural skin-brightening properties that can help even out skin tone 和 improve complexion. 
 4. Hydration: Blue tea is hydrating for the skin, helping to maintain moisture levels 和 prevent dryness.
 5. Anti-Aging Benefits: The antioxidants in blue tea can help combat signs of aging, such as fine lines, 皱纹, 和 sagging skin.
 6. Breakouts: Blue tea has antibacterial properties that can help reduce breakouts.

Other Key 成分s include botanicals like daisy flower extract 和 bearberry extract. 再加上 烟酰胺 和熊果苷, our Blue Tea 3D Moisturizer will not only reduce signs of aging, but also can help brighten 和 even skin tone 和 hyperpigmentation as well.


Niacinamide is an important nutrient for the skin, kidneys, 和 brain. It helps build keratin to strengthen skin, creates a lipid barrier to help the skin retain moisture, 和 reduces oil production. Like many important vitamins, it helps reduce oxidative stress to the skin 和 reduce inflammation 和 scars.
熊果苷 is derived from berries, 和 regulates the pathway that produces pigmentation/melanin. This gives it the ability to brighten skin. It also helps to reduce age spots, blemishes, scars, 和 hyperpigmentation. It is considered gentle to the skin 和 can reduce the degree of skin darkening by blocking the production of tyrosinase, an enzyme involved with melanin production.
Bearberry Extract is extremely high in antioxidants to fight free radicals. It works to slow melanin production in the skin, as a natural alternative to hydroquinone. Bearberry extract is an excellent natural alternative for treating redness 和 hyperpigmentation caused by scars, 痤疮, 和 chronic skin conditions like dermatitis 和 rosacea
Daisy Flower Extract, known as Bellis Perennis, can naturally suppress melanin production, to reduce the appearance of dark spots 和 lightens 和 brightens the complexion naturally. Acts as a natural alternative to hydroquinone 和 is rich in polyphenols to fight free radicals 和 signs of aging.
Blue butterfly pea is rich in polyphenols which have powerful anti-glycation 和 anti-aging effects, reducing free radicals that degrade skin. Also rich in flavinoids, the Butterfly Pea Flower (Clitoria ternatea) can also reduce inflammation


Can be used daily to add moisture to the face 和 decolletage. Apply after cleansing 和 drying the skin. Smooth 和 massage into skin.
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